
There is no greater power than the power of love, which arises from Presence.

Living an Awakened Life awakening being grounded oneness presence

To be awake in the truth of life is to be fully present in the moment of now. It is profoundly peaceful and blissful. You are so fully present with everything around you that separation largely dissol...

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The Form and the Formless advaita awaken awakening form formless presence

There are some spiritual paths and traditions that deny the existence of the physical world. It is regarded as an illusion created by our projections. This is a common understanding, particularly in t...

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What Is It Like To Be Truly Present? awakening oneness presence

To be present is to awaken into that dimension of your self and that dimension of life which is transcendent of the thinking mind. You are silent and you are fully present with what is actually here n...

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An Enlightened Ego awaken awakening enlightenment spiritual spiritualized

If you have an enlightenment experience or a peak experience, the ego can’t wait to claim it for itself. The ego then thinks it is enlightened. It is very difficult to free yourself from an enlightene...

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Devotion to the Teacher awaken awakening devotion integrity projection teacher

There is a tendency to project the source of truth onto another. This often happens in our relationship with the teacher and it acts as a barrier to true awakening.

One Thursday evening, at one of my...

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Time and Timelessness awaken consciousness enlightenment nonduality oneness presence ramana

If we are fully present, there are no thoughts. If there are no thoughts, then quite literally, there is no time. There is no life outside of this moment. We can no longer function in the world of tim...

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The Walk awaken awakening awreness consciousness illusion of separation nonduality presence

A man went for a walk one day. As he walked, he became aware that he was feeling lost and alone. Rather than push the feelings away, he allowed them to be present with him. "I'm lost. I am all alone,"...

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Why does the ego resist Presence? awaken awakening consciousness illusion of separation love peace presence silent mind

As you become fully present, thoughts stop. But the ego exists within a framework of thought. If thoughts stop, the ego feels like it is disappearing. It feels like death to the ego. Do you think the ...

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The Way of Awakening awaken awakening consciousness emotions illusion of separation oneness presence silent mind

In this moment, are you present or are in your mind? If you are truly present, then you are an awakened being, at least for this moment. If you wander off into your mind, you are entering a world of p...

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Childhood Choices awaken awakening childhood consciousness emotions healing the past presence

We made choices in early childhood, which were appropriate then, but are not appropriate now, and yet they continue to govern our experience of life at an unconscious level. It would be wise to review...

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Belief in God is an obstacle to knowing God awaken awakening consciousness love peace presence silent mind

God is real. God is here now, but we are not. We are lost in the past and future world of the mind. We are lost in a world of illusion and separation. We are lost in ideas, opinions, concepts and beli...

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How do you know when you are truly present? illusion of separation peace presence silent mind

There is a very clear distinction between the awakened state of Presence and the world of the mind?

When you are fully present, thoughts stop and your mind is silent. That is the test of Presence. It...

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Two Steps to a Gentle Awakening awaken awakening consciousness ego presence silence
The world is entering a new stage of evolution. Never before has there been such an opportunity for the awakening of human consciousness at a collective level. But collective awakening occurs at the i...
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The Choice awaken awakening consciousness ego illusion of separation presence

To be a full awakened Being, grounded in the present moment is your natural state. But most people have disconnected from this awakened state and become absorbed into the world of the mind. The mind i...

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Who Is Enlightened? awaken awakening ego illusion of separation oneness peace presence silence

In order to maintain the awakened state of consciousness, we cannot become identified with whatever we are experiencing, including peak experiences. Beyond all experience is the one experiencing.

If I...

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Thinking Your Way Into the Mind awakening emotions peace presence silence silent mind

“Riding on the wings of thought, I enter the world of time. Riding on the wings of thought I enter the world of the mind.”

The mind is a dimension of consciousness that allows you to leave the presen...

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Devotion To The Teacher awaken awakening consciousness ego illusion of separation love oneness

There is a tendency to project the source of truth onto another. This often happens in our relationship with the teacher and it acts as a barrier to true awakening.

One Thursday evening, at one of my...

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You Are That awaken awakening consciousness ego emotions presence silence silent mind

That which you seek, you already are. Just wake up and be that. Then you will be in the truth of life. You will be enlightened. You will be in Oneness and timelessness and so there is no soul, no jour...

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